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Mushrooms improve our health and wellbeing. Mushroom farming is a proven way out of poverty. 

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Mushrooms and Our World

Meet the Mushrooms (45-60 minutes)
A new view of mushrooms and how they serve the Earth and all life on it. We would not have plants, animals, forests, and human beings without mushrooms and other fungi. They are planetary transformers, breaking down organic matter into rich soil. They are healers and teachers. New uses for fungi will surprise you: from fabric to furniture to construction materials. They’re more than just food and fuel! Also available as part of “Meet the Mushrooms” 30-40 minutes of an open-audience session with comic, Romanian psychic character Madame Tremella and Messages from Mushrooms
Mushroom Mania (2 hours and more, if desired)
An extended version of ‘Meet the Mushrooms’ that includes what medicinal mushrooms can do and how they work, science and lore, nutrition and environmental benefits. A full evening’s entertainment including sautéed samples of various mushrooms. Included in “Mushroom Mania,” an open-audience session with comic, Romanian psychic character Madame Tremella and Messages from Mushrooms
Spiritual Gifts of Mushrooms (1 hour)
Beautiful images and channeled messages from the mushrooms, from “We are people too!” to “We are always part of the whole, as you are and all beings.” Here are a few: Shiitake carries the energy of joy and helps heal grief and loss. Portobellos “fortify in humans the sense of wellbeing and rightness on their paths.” Porcini, also called bolete, mushrooms stimulate generosity of spirit, gentleness without and strength within. The morels: “We inspire creative ability in those in whom it is latent.” Reishi mushrooms “energize within the human spirit the rightness and the trueness of living life to its fullest potential.” And more … much more!
Mushroom Production Methods and Technologies (45-60 minutes)
From a small village in Central America to the backyard at Shiitake Mama Mushrooms to enormous production factories, see how mushrooms are grown around the world. Educational and economically useful for gardening groups, horticulture, agriculture, agribusiness, forestry, and entrepreneurial programs.
Mushroom Farming for Food Security and Economic Stability in Ghana, West Africa (20-60 minutes)
Small-scale oyster mushroom farming is increasing throughout the developing world for stable income and food supply. High in protein, vitamins, minerals, and having significant medicinal properties, these mushrooms are now a proven tool for sustainable living. Oyster mushrooms grow on almost any agricultural waste. Mushrooms are raising farmers, especially women, out of poverty levels as low as $1 a day to a living income. Stories of individual farmers or cooperatives supporting several families, make this program especially attractive to groups that are socially aware, environmentally oriented, and concerned about worldwide economic wellbeing.
Mushrooms in Ghana Project (20-30 minutes)
“You can help people make a living. You can help people live. You can change the world.” Spawn is the seed material for growing mushrooms. It is unavailable in most of the developing countries where mushroom farming could lift growers out of poverty and feed thousands of people using agricultural waste materials. Mushrooms in Ghana Project is raising money to build a spawn (the mushroom seed material) laboratory to serve farmers in West Africa. Mushrooms in Ghana is a project of the 501 (c) 3 Mushrooms for Wellbeing Foundation, 1-800-792-0053.
Mushrooms and Autism (60 minutes)

Mushrooms On the Menu: Nutritional, Medicinal, and Behavioral Effects Relative to ASD
Here are research, traditional and contemporary medical uses, and channeled messages from nine easily available mushrooms, showing how they can benefit children on the Autism Spectrum. Shiitake Mama (at that time, Sandra Williams, PhD) presented this program at the 2012 Autism One Conference. Handouts about the mushrooms are available on request from The video is available free on Vimeo and YouTube: Mushrooms on the Menu.
White Button (Agaricus bisporus)
Message from the Mushrooms:
“This mushroom is a peacemaker. It increases harmony in the physical body and it also balances  psychological and emotional discord in thought processes because it compels one toward contentment and peace.”

Medicinally: Studies at the City of
Hope Medical Center showed that white button mushrooms play a positive, chemo-preventive role against prostate cancer.
Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor)
Messages from Mushrooms: 
“We straighten out cells that are in chaos. We provide strength of mind and resiliency under stress.”

Medicinally: Turkey Tail strengthens the immune system and contains PSK, an anti-cancer compound that acts directly on tumor cells, prevents metastasis, and enhances the effects of radiation or chemotherapy. (Robert Rogers, The Fungal Pharmacy)

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Or call us at 1 (800) 792-0053


PO Box 520, Perkins, OK, 74059-0520, USA

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